Dual Citizenship Benefits

The Benefits of Second passports acquired through citizenship by investment schemes are numerous. Second passports or Gold passports are considered to be the ultimate luxury status symbol of the 21st century among the rich and wealth. Passports are also placed in investment portfolio. In a recent survey on second passports, two-third of HNW millionaires already have a second passport, while one-third are already considering one.

Visa Free Travel

Freedom to journey across the globe
Whether you are a frequent business traveler or a citizen of a country with a heightened security risk, a legal second passport offering strong global mobility can be life-changing.

A New Home

Become part of a welcoming community
A second citizenship gives you the option to turn your dream destinations into a place to call home. It allows you to become part of a welcoming community, embracing of foreign-born individuals.


Expansion on a global scale
The abundance of business opportunities across the globe means that second citizenship will open doors to new entrepreneurial options. It will give you the opportunity to fulfill your dreams of internationalization, and business expansion on a global scale.


The top schools in the world
Parents want to give their children the tools to succeed in learning and in life. This means providing them with the best possible care and education. At times, it means planning their education even before they are born. A second passport or residence card can grant access to some of the top schools in the world. With a European passport or resident card, for example, students could apply to any of the great universities of Europe, such as Oxford, the Sorbonne, or the University of Bologna. Similarly, a passport from a Commonwealth nation may facilitate access to many of the universities of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries.


Safety for yourself and your family
If you are at risk of violence, persecution, or unfair discrimination, investing in second citizenship can help you to remove yourself from a country that is burdened with danger. Safety for yourself and your family can be found in stable, socio-political sanctuaries, many of which are also among the most naturally beautiful nations of the world.

A Guarantee For The Future

Ensures that protection, economic wellbeing
Obtaining second citizenship that can be passed on to your children ensures that protection, economic wellbeing, and educational advantages will be available to your family for generations to come. Your children, your grandchildren, and their sons and daughters will be able to embrace global citizenship forever.


Spontaneous travel visa-free access
Holding a single passport can impose severe limitations on an individual’s ability to travel – even when that individual is merely seeking to visit a country as a tourist. For example, certain countries do not allow entry to people with evidence of travel to or origin from a particular nation. Moreover, certain passports have few, if any, visa waiver programmes with other nations. This results in having to fill out long and complex application forms, having to interview at a consulate or embassy, and having to wait for weeks, and sometimes even months, for approval. Given this tedious and time-consuming process, there can be little or no room for spontaneous travel.</p> <p>A second passport or residence card from a country that has visa-free access can radically change one’s travelling experience because visa-free travellers need only step on a plane and reach their destination. By facilitating travel, visa-free access improves one’s ability to communicate with others and to develop business relationships, especially where it is important to meet face-to-face at short notice, frequently, and efficiently.

Safe Haven

A valuable safety net
With many countries being lost to social unrest, political turmoil, and economic strife, the ability to live and reside in a country that is stable and committed to the rule of law can provide individuals with a valuable safety net. This is particularly critical when individuals have children and other loved ones that they wish to protect.

Personal Security

Anonymity and protect oneself and one’s family
An individual’s nationality may itself make that individual a target for terrorists or criminals, especially in countries where there is little tolerance for diversity and pluralism, and where people may easily fall victim to kidnapping and abduction. A second passport may thus be indispensable to provide anonymity and protect oneself and one’s family from harmful, and sometimes even deadly, discrimination.


Right to personal privacy
As government surveillance becomes increasingly pervasive, and the balance between national security and individual privacy is upset, people have started looking for less intrusive governments that will respect their right to personal privacy. Second citizenship or residence in a more privacy-respecting country can help avoid the watchful gaze of an overzealous government.

Access To Healthcare

Healthcare can have a significant impact
Citizenship or residence in a country that provides high standards of healthcare can have a significant impact on the lives of individuals who need medical attention, or who are simply panning for old age. Individuals may also wish to gain access to a country with universal healthcare.

Wealth Protection

Business-friendly and regulatory environments
At present, numerous countries encroach on the business and private affairs of individuals as a means of increasing their tax revenues. By contrast, many of the governments offering citizenship or residency by investment programs are committed to creating business-friendly and regulatory environments.

Business Platforms

Gaining a passport that facilitates travel and trade
As the world heads ever more into the globalization age and common markets become the norm, business-minded individuals are trying to find new ways to access international business platforms and to be introduced to new industries. Thanks to today’s citizenship and residence programs, this can be achieved easily, either by obtaining residence in bustling cities such as London or by gaining a passport that facilitates travel and trade.

Get Your Second Citizenship